CarerHelp Project Team - CarerHelp

CarerHelp Project Team

Center for Palliative Care

Centre for Palliative Care

The Centre for Palliative Care is a department of St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and a Collaborative Centre of The University of Melbourne. It supports research and education about palliative care and leads the project behind CarerHelp. The Centre for Palliative Care is responsible for the content of the website, and its CarerHelp Diversity team includes the following people:

  • Professor Peter Hudson, Director, Centre for Palliative Care
  • Associate Professor Mark Boughey Deputy Director; Centre for Palliative Care and Director of Palliative Medicine, St Vincent's Hospital
  • Kristina Thomas (Senior Research Fellow) PhD
  • Di Saward (Research Nurse/Project Officer) RN, GDipCanPallCar, MN(Res)
  • Alfreda Plazzer (Administration Officer)



CareSearch is a palliative care website based at Flinders University. It aims to provide online access to trustworthy information about palliative care to help all Australians. CareSearch is responsible for building and maintaining the CarerHelp website, as well as marketing for the project. The CarerHelp team from CareSearch consists of:

  • Prof Jennifer Tieman (Director)  BSc(Hons), MBA, PhD, FACHI
  • Eric Yang (Web Systems Manager, CareSearch Group) BSc, MSIT

Carers Australia

The National Rural Health Alliance

The National Rural Health Alliance comprises of 45 national organisations committed to improving the health and well-being of the 7 million people in rural and remote Australia. They provide guidance, grassroots input and expertise on the rural health sector and how to navigate and communicate with rural services. The CarerHelp team includes the following people:

  • Susanne Tegen, Chief Executive
  • Margaret Deerain, Director, Policy and Strategy Development

Carers Australia

Grief Australia

Grief Australia has expertise in delivering bereavement related research, education and services in Australia. They provide guidance on content for bereavement resources and online bereavement sessions.

  • Chris Hall, CEO

CarerHelp Rural Connect National Reference Group

The National Reference Group for the project behind CarerHelp Rural Connect is comprised of representatives of a range of groups in Australia that  support people with advanced diseases and their carers. They have provided us with invaluable feedback during all the stages involved in developing CarerHelp. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions they have made. The following membership list was current in June,2024.

Membership Organisation

Centre for Palliative Care (St Vincent’s Hospital & Collaborative Centre of The University of Melbourne)

  • Prof Peter Hudson, Director, Centre for Palliative Care
  • A/Prof Mark Boughey
    Co-Deputy Director, Centre for Palliative Care & Director of Palliative Medicine , St Vincent's Hospital
    [Palliative care clinician representative with CALD (aboriginal) and/ or regional/ rural experience]
  • Dr Kristina Thomas
    Research Fellow
  • Di Saward
    Research Nurse
  • Alfreda Soetopo Plazzer
    Administration Officer

CareSearch, Flinders University

  • Prof Jennifer Tieman
    Director, CareSearch, Flinders University

Buckett’s Way Neighbourhood Group Inc

  • Anna Burley

Carers Victoria

  • Margaret Boulos
    Senior Policy and Research Advisor

Individual Health Professionals

  • Tara Worby
    Clinical Nurse Consultant / Pall Care Nurse Practitioner Candidate
  • Dr Rebecca Morgan
    General Practitioner / Country Clinic

Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA)

  • Daniel Coase
    Senior Policy Advisor

Grief Australia

  • Chris Hall

Healthdirect Australia

  • Jennifer Brittain
    Partner Manager

Kimberley Pharmacy Services

  • Hannah Mann
    Chief Pharmacist

Marathon Health

  • Kylie Falciani
    Group Manager – Primary Health

Northern Territory Government –  Voluntary assisted dying advisory panel

  • Christine Sanderson
    Palliative Medicine Specialist

Palliative Care Australia

  • Chelsea Menchin
    National Projects Manager

PCA National Register of Consumers and Carers

  • Annie Dullow
    Consumer Representative

The National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA)

  • Susanne (Susi) Tegen
  • Margaret Deerain
    Director, Policy and Strategy Development

Western NSW Local Health District

  • Kerrie Noonan
    Director of Research / Clinical Psychologist


Palliative Care Section, Primary Health and Palliative Care Branch, Primary Care Division, Australian Government Department of Health

  • Toni Smith
    Assistant Director
  • Samantha Joyce
    Policy Officer