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Australia is a very diverse country and carers have different backgrounds, responsibilities and needs. This section provides links to key resources for different groups.
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Aboriginal Australians, Palliative Care Victoria Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Discussion Starter, Palliative Care Australia Advance Care Planning Resources page (Select Option), Advance Care Planning Australia End of life care for LGBT people, Dying Matters LGBTIQA+ carers, Rainbow Carers Resources for CALD carers, Carers Australia Services and support, Carer Gateway
Multilingual resources, Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
How Palliative Care can help, Palliative Care Australia Let’s talk about Palliative Care (pdf, 1.4MB), Palliative Care Victoria Palliative Care Podcasts, Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia, Palliative Care South Australia, CarerSearch Where carers can find help, Carer Gateway Accessing Palliative Care, CareSearch Let’s Talk About Death (pdf, 1.2MB), (simple English) - Palliative Care Victoria Loss of a Loved One (pdf,1.1MB), (simple English) - Palliative Care Victoria Advance Care Planning – Understanding Advance Care Planning, Advance Care Planning Australia Bereavement, Grief and Loss, Health Translations When someone dies: A practical guide for family and friends, Queensland Government Last days of Life, NSW Mulitcultural Health Communication Service Last days of life – Understanding your grief (pdf, 177kb), NSW Mulitcultural Health Communication Service Last days of life – A wish to go home, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service Resources for the Bereaved, (simple English) – Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement Specific Groups, Dementia Australia
Looking after someone with cancer (pdf, 88kb), Cancer Council SA Caring for your mob at End of Life (pdf, 1.3MB), Department of Health Discussion Starter, Palliative Care Australia My Statement of Choices, Metro South Health Queensland Taking Control of your health Journey (pdf, 19.7MB), Advance Care Planning Australia Yarning our wishes – a film about planning for end of life, Health InfoNet About Grief and Mourning, Health InfoNet During sad news and sorry business (pdf, 814kb), Queensland Health Caring for someone with Dementia, Dementia Australia Final Journey to Dreaming (pdf, 2.7MB), AHMRC (Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW) Understanding the palliative care journey (pdf, 1.13MB), VACCHO Final footprints: my Culture, my Kinship, my Country, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
Aboriginal Australians, Palliative Care Victoria Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Care, CareSearch Grief and Bereavement, Health InfoNet Working with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Grief and Bereavement: A Resource for Workers, Grief Australia Sad news, sorry business (pdf, 453kb), Queensland Health Palliative Care Education and Training, National Palliative Care Projects Cultural Considerations, PEPA
CarerHelp Factsheet, CarerHelp End of life care for LGBT people, Dying Matters LGBTI-Inclusive ageing & aged care, (pdf, 318kb) LGBTIQ+ Health Australia LGBTI and dementia booklet, (pdf, 1.7MB) Dementia Australia Caring for Yourself and Others, ACON
LGBTQI+ People and Cancer, Cancer Council NSW Palliative Care 11 tips poster, (125.7kb) LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Workforce Resources, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
Talking about End-of-Life with people with an intellectual disabilities, TEL Healthy dying for people with disability, Li-Ve Tasmania Improving palliative care - Toolkit for people with intellectual disability and supporters, 3DN Improving palliative care - Toolkit for health professionals, 3DN
Cultural safety, Palliative Care Victoria Aged Care Workers - Self Care, ELDAC