Communities - CarerHelp


People come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences. Specific information for some of our communities has been developed to improve the reach and access. We have resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, for people who are LGBTIQ+, and information in other languages.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Useful resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are caring for a family member who is very sick.

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Information in other languages

CarerHelp have developed resources in languages other than English.

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LGBTIQ+ families may have some additional or specific information needs. CarerHelp has put together some resources that people who are LGBTIQ+ may find useful.

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Caring in the country

Rural families who are caring for someone at the end of life often experience additional challenges.

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More resources

For more resources for specific communities, including people with an intellectual disability and their carers, as well as rural and remote carers, please visit our Carer Topics ‘Population’ page.

Population groups