Carer Support - Carer Topics

Carer Support

There are a range of services and supports available for unpaid carers. They include formal funded services, counselling resources, and information about working and caring. There is also information about how to work with others in your network and how to ask for help.

Icon legend: PDF Video External Link

An Introduction to Palliative Care, Peter Mac Education
Carer Gateway Counselling Service
Coordinate help in tough times, Gather My Crew
Get family and friends involved (HELP App), Healthy End-of-Life Program
Heart Foundation Walking
Help for families & carers, Palliative Care Victoria
How can I support my friend/family member?, Palliative Care Australia
Help at home, Carer Gateway
Information and support for people caring for someone in residential aged care, Dignified & Respectful Decisions
I’m a carer (resources for carers), Palliative Care Australia
Practical caring resources, CareSearch
Questions for carers to ask the team caring for your loved one, Palliative Care Australia
Resources for carers (pdf, 1.4MB), Palliative Care Victoria
Tips from carers (pdf, 209kb), CarerHelp Sheet
What to do when caring changes, Carer Gateway
Working while caring, Carer Gateway