About CarerHelp
CarerHelp is for carers who need information and resources to help them feel informed and prepared for caring for someone who is seriously ill.
CarerHelp has information for all in the community, including carers who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, carers who speak other languages, and carers who are from LGBTIQ+ communities. Many CarerHelp resources are also useful for health professionals and care workers who work with patients or families facing end of life situations.
CarerHelp is a government-funded project.
What CarerHelp offers
CarerHelp can empower carers to cope with the hard times, and to make space for the good times as well. When carers feel ready for their role, everybody benefits.
The website offers:
- Access to high quality information and resources that support them in the carer role
- Knowledge of the services available to carers
- An understanding of what to expect when someone is dying
- A greater sense of control over their role
- Better communication with the health care team, family and friends
- Greater wellbeing
Why end of life caring matters
Caring for someone at the end of their life is a very important role because it can greatly improve the quality of that person and their family’s life. They also help the community by reducing the pressure on our health care system.
How CarerHelp is funded
CarerHelp has been built by the ‘Australian Family Carer Toolkit Project’ (2017-2020), the ‘Expanding the Reach and Impact of CarerHelp Project’ (2020-2023) and the “CarerHelp Rural Connect Project” (2023-26).
These projects are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
The project teams
The teams involved in CarerHelp are:
- The Centre for Palliative Care, which is a department of St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and a Collaborative Centre of The University of Melbourne (2017-2023)
- CareSearch, which is a palliative care website based at Flinders University (2017-2023)
- Carers Australia (2017-2023)
- The University of Technology Sydney (2017-2020)
- The National Rural Health Alliance (2023-26)
- Grief Australia (2023-26)
- The National Reference Group (NRG). See the NRG website page for member details
You can find out more about the people involved by going to the Project Team page.
We also have a National Reference Group. The members of this group represent a range of groups in Australia that support people with advanced diseases and their carers. There is more information about our National Reference Group on our National Reference Group page.
Members of the project team do not have any financial or structural conflicts of interest.
To maintain currency, the Project Team reviews content at the start of each calendar year.
Help make CarerHelp a better resource for carers. Please provide feedback on the Evaluation page or send us any comments or suggestions you have by email: carerhelp@flinders.edu.au